70th Anniversary Logo Contest

70 Years of Empowering People

In 2025 Eggleston will celebrate 70 years of supporting adults with disabilities in the Hampton Roads community. In honor of this monumental anniversary, Eggleston wanted to create a special 70th Anniversary logo to use throughout 2025 (we will begin to use in the fall – leading up to full swing in 2025). We turned to the people who know and understand Eggleston the best, our staff and program participants.

In March of this year, we launched the 70th Anniversary Logo contest where employees and program participants were encouraged to submit their ideas for the special 70th Anniversary logo.  We received many wonderful options which are featured in the gallery below. The marketing and development team narrowed down the anonymous entries to six submissions for the staff and participants to vote on.  We unveiled the winning design at the 15th Annual OK5K and 1-Mile Run, Walk, and Roll on June 8th.

Thank you to everyone who submitted a logo design and who participated by voting.

Kristen Ricks – Winner

Dr. Paul Hardy – Honorable Mention

Isha Edmonds

Megan Fink

Angela Kelly

Joyce Mizelle

Matthew Whecek